Welcome to Rhea's Research!

Rhea's Research encompasses the research I've done on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I'm committed to the transformation of humanity through the healing power of food and exercise and I'm using this platform as a means to share my tips, ideas and insights.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My Healthy Food Picks for 2010

I've done a lot of research and spent a long time reading through lists of ingredients on "processed-food" packages to determine the healthiest, yummiest and best bang-for-the-buck foods out there.

So, here they are!

Bread picks:
Dips and Condiments:
More to come on cereals, pasta, soup mix, crackers, health supplements and vitamins and desserts.

Get toned in 10 minutes

This 10-minute workout really works. It's intense and will raise your heart rate, and more importantly, it's quick. It's a great workout for the ultimate multi-tasker. I often do 15-20 jump-squats while I'm waiting for bread to toast and water to boil in the mornings. The mountain climbing move really works the abs. You'll most definitely feel it the next day. Finally, the back lunge is the best move to tone your butt and thighs and protects your knees more than the regular lunge.

Try and incorporate these moves into your exercise routine...remember to make every second count and to embrace the burn!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Nutritionist Dr. Lindsey Duncan dishes on the top 7 superfoods for women

See what superfood expert Dr. Lindsey Duncan recommends as the new superfoods for women

My top choice: Coconut water - it's great as a post-workout drink and it's a terrific and refreshing alternative to caffeinated energy drink.